Welcome to the Highland Park High School - Dallas, Texas
Class of '62 Web


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  Highland Park High School - Dallas, Texas
Class of '62 Web
In Memoriam
Norman Abbott Cathy Gruber Seward Pat Meagher
James Jimmy Allred John Haines Anne Mercer Kornegay
Bill Atkins Barbara Hallowell Johnson Bert Moore
John Baird Sallie Hambleton Dennis Tom Morton
Craig Bartlett Yngve Hanisch Robert Novak
Barbara Bishop Gary Harvison Dan O'Brien
Smith Blair Rita Haskins Steve Ortmayer
David Blossom John Hayes Pat Pedigo
Martha Blount Dan Hayslett Sidney Pietzsch
Charlotte Bones Casey Ben Hill David Quick
Shelly Bowles Larry Hillin James Allan Reece
Jarrett Buddy Boren Billy Dodges John Rock
Ellen Branch Monroe Kathy Holden Schulze John Roderick
Malloy Buckner Joy Howe Hatchett Jere Ross Saxton
Sharron Butler Owens Robert Jackson Stewart Shannon
Brooks Camp Jan James Lindley Kathie Shaw Ribbons
Shelia Carr Jane Jasinski Mounts Fuquay David Singletary
Evgenia Carras Boswell Butch Jones Kirby Smith
Lee Carter Mary Glen Joy Fouts Harrison Speaker
Don Chapell Carey King, III David Singletary
Connie Chenoweth Chapman Karen Kipp McCann Tom Skeeters
John Joe Christy Karen Krauel Thompson Danny Strickland
Michael Mike Cornelison Richard Lea Sally Sutton Henry
Dan Cox John Lehman William Traxler
Robert Bob Crow Kirk Leitch Dan Vanderwoude
James Jimmy Crowley Scott Leidolf Paul Vanlandingham
Susie Deck McGee Phil Lipton John Walke
Nancy De Sanders Rahm Bruce Logan Jim Walters
Bill Elliott Francis Little Grable "Cap" Waters
Norma Emery Williams Billy Butch Lyon Wally White
Betty Emmons Page Roland Dale Mann Johnny Wicker
Carol Evans Smith Ronald K. Ronnie Marks Randy Wieser
Martha Franklin Loyd Dale Maxfield Nancy Wilson Boye
Wynn Gillespie Cheek Dick Mayes Frances Winston Fassett
Stephen Goodnight Mollye Aleda Mc Dowell Lillian Witt
Sanford Skip Graham Joan McMurrrey Lane Larry Wood
Dale Gross Mac Mc Rae Rita Zimmerman


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