Highland Park High School
- Dallas, Texas
Class of '62 Web
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Memoriam Listing ] [ Home ]
Class Listing
following listing is in "School Name" (click letter below)
order. "Unknown" in the Location field means we are not sure how to contact the person.
Last update July 22, 2024
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We hope to keep
this list as up-to-date as possible. Please send changes or comments to
Ricky Zuelzer Fisher
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Linda Abbey Wharton |
** Unknown ** |
Jemi Abbott Gale |
Charlottesville, VA |
Cheryl Acker Stearns |
Powell, WY |
casras59@yahoo.com |
Alix Alexander Blumenthal |
Nantucket, MA |
Jim Allbright |
Lockhart, TX |
Johnny Allen |
Dallas, TX |
allenjha@aol.com |
Sandra Allen Cook |
Richardson, TX |
sacook@sbcglobal.net |
Mike Anderson |
** Unknown ** |
Bill Antle |
Fort Worth, TX |
Bob Ashley |
Loveland, CO |
Barbara Ashwood Lawrence |
Indianapolis, IN |
Judy Aspinwall Garland |
Atlanta, GA |
Suzee Austin Benjamin |
Maui, HI |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Vicky Baldwin Russell |
Duncanville, TX |
vicky@russellstelecom.com |
Brian Ball |
Covington, LA |
Jane Ballowe Dunham |
Dallas, TX |
wdunham@sbcglobal.net |
Sam Barnard |
Salado, TX |
sammardie@aol.com |
Dan Barr |
Neenah, WI |
danbarr_44@hotmail.com |
Betty-Routh Barron Steele |
Sumter, SC |
bettyrouth@yahoo.com |
Beverly Bartlett Crimm |
Grand Prairie, TX |
crimm@sbcglobal.net |
Kathy Bates Holden |
Perrysburg, OH |
kehello@bex.net |
Drew Beams |
Big Sandy, TX |
dhbeam@aol.com |
Sharman Beasley Vesecky |
Dallas, TX |
fvesecky@earthlink.com |
Molly Behannon |
Lindale, TX |
mollybwell@cox-internet.com |
Steve Bell |
Lake Forest, IL |
sbell@cbre.com |
Sandra Bingham Teagarden |
Albuquerque, NM |
www.sandrateag@aol.com |
Dan Blackburn |
Dallas, TX |
daniel@bestinns.net |
Bob Blackshear |
Georgetown, TX |
bob@blackshearbggospel.com |
Kris Brager |
Picayune, MS |
Bill Brock |
Austin, TX |
Bob Browning |
Dallas, TX |
Nancy Bruche White |
Denton, TX |
Dennis Bryant |
Dallas, TX |
Linda Burns Graustein |
** Unknown ** |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Joe Calahan |
Gadsden, AL |
joecajun@comcast.net |
John Calvert |
** Unknown ** |
Tony Campbell |
Socorro, NM |
llowman@rt66.com |
Cornelia Cappleman Drumm |
Hughes Springs, TX |
Lea Carlton Nowlin |
Dike, TX |
Catherine Carr |
Dallas, TX |
cathyc5683@aol.com |
David Carruth |
Dallas, TX |
dcarruth@flash.net |
Susan Carruth Shulman |
Dallas, TX |
Mac Carruthers |
West Jefferson, OH |
Charles Carver |
Flint, TX |
Sandra Cason |
New Orleans, LA |
Mary Ann Chance White |
Rex, GA |
Barbara Clayton Avary |
** Unknown ** |
David Clemens |
Flower Mound, TX |
dhblem@flash.net |
Robert Cohenour |
Camarillo, CA |
Rodney Cole |
** Unknown ** |
Linda Collins Budinah |
Allen, TX |
Cay Cone |
Dallas, TX |
Pat Cooper |
Houston, TX |
pcooper@ev1.net |
Elizabeth Cory Schueler |
Houston, TX |
val@wt.net |
Sharon Coursey DeWitt |
Schulenburg, TX |
hayrake@neosoft.com |
Jim Cox |
Lisa Craig Alderson |
Richardson, TX |
hfrogs@swbell.net |
John Crotty |
Flint, TX |
john.crotty@gmail.com |
Evelyn Cuellar Cronin |
Dallas, TX |
ecronin@velaw.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Mark Dalton |
Fort Worth, TX |
drranch1@mindspring.com |
Gerry Darver |
Dallas, TX |
June Davidson McGuire |
Dallas, TX |
Jon Davis |
Dallas, TX |
jon-davis@att.net |
Kathie Davis Ramsey |
Austin, TX |
Paul Davis |
Duncanville, TX |
Virginia Davis Palmer |
Santa Monica, CA |
virginiapalmer@aol.com |
Martial Davoust |
Pflugerville, TX |
Susie De Sanders Willerson |
San Antonio, TX |
dwillerson@aol.com |
Pat Donovan |
** Unknown ** |
Don Douglas |
Garland, TX |
Sara Douglas Reid |
St Simons Island, GA |
sarare02@gmail.com |
Dean Downing |
Hunnington Beach, CA |
Judy Downs Douglass |
Orlando, FL |
jddoug17@aol.com |
Peggy Downs Oelberg |
Piney Flats, TN |
poelberg@gmail.com |
Suzanne Du Bose Cody |
Plano, TX |
scody@verizon.net |
Pam Duncan Dismukes |
Mt. Pleasant, TX |
Steve Durbin |
Cedar Hill, TX |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
John Field |
Houston, TX |
jbfield3311@sbcglobal.net |
Oliver Finney |
Lawrence, KS |
Margaret Fisher Williams |
Dallas, TX |
Richard Fisher |
Sante Fe, NM |
Janice Ford |
** Unknown ** |
Ken Fowler |
Garland, TX |
Joan Franklin |
Philadelphia, PA |
joanyf@aol.com |
Jack Frazee |
Manhattan Beach, CA |
Jim Freeman |
Grapevine, TX |
jim@homelappool.com |
Steve Freeman |
Southlake, TX |
printbum2@gmail.com |
Norma Friou Hardy |
Dallas, TX |
normahardy@sbcglobal.net |
Emilie Frye |
** Unknown ** |
Marisa Fugali Romano-Scotti |
Genoa, Italy, |
edros1976@libero.it |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Linda Gable Burrows |
Edmond, OK |
lindabjohnb@yahoo.com |
Carol Garonzik Wells |
El Cajon, CA |
cwells@ausintx.com |
John Garrett |
Dallas, TX |
Ellen Gay Thompson |
St. Petersburg, FL |
ellengthompson@aol.com |
Pam Glasgow Wood |
Austin, TX |
pgwood@texas.net |
Donna Gonzalez Taylor |
Menlo Park, CA |
snowleopardnm@yahoo.com |
Oma Jean Goode Mavon |
Hinsdale, IL |
ojmavon@earthlink.net |
Sinah Goode |
Azle, TX |
Joe Gordon |
** Unknown ** |
Sheri Gossett McCoy |
Colleyville, TX |
Bonnie Gostin McKenney |
New York, NY |
bim360@hotmail.com |
Amye Grady McCallie |
Carlisle, PA |
Pam Gray Ventouras |
Dallas, TX |
William Greer |
Bedford, TX |
wdgreer@earthlink.net |
Janis Gregory Wilck |
Plano, TX |
Billy Groth |
Dallas, TX |
Pete Guy |
Cedar Park, TX |
peteguy@prismnet.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Michael Habush |
Dallas, TX |
Judy Hamilton Casper |
jhcasper@ix.netcom.com |
Barbara Hankins Kirkpatrick |
Lancaster, TX |
pic7000@msn.com |
Sally Hansen |
Dallas, TX |
James Harp |
Dallas, TX |
harpiii@aol.com |
Sue Harris |
Dallas, TX |
Ted Harris |
Houston, TX |
Tom "Snake" Harris |
Rockwall, TX |
snake2@sbcglobal.net |
Ernest Harwig |
Ashville, NC |
eharwig@mindspring.com |
Johnny Hauer |
San Diego, CA |
jhauer@san.rr.com |
Bob Haydon |
Edgewood, TX |
Ellen Heathington Wesbrooks |
Dallas, TX |
ewesbrooks@hotmail.com |
Carol Hendrix Schwarz |
Dallas, TX |
ckschwarz@grandecom.net |
Jon Hickman |
Dallas, TX |
jon.hickman@openwave.com |
Mike Hilger |
Seguin, TX |
Penny Hill Teagarden |
Carrollton, TX |
tgardenp@cfbisd.edu |
Elizabeth Himmel |
Dallas, TX |
Mart Hoffman |
Austin, TX |
WMH@aol.com |
Chuck Hoggard |
Irving, TX |
Mike Hollern |
San Antonio, TX |
mike.hollern@indoff.com |
Martha Hollingsworth Latham |
Dallas, TX |
Ann Hollis Graf |
Mc Allen, TX |
agraf87436@aol.com |
Mike Holt |
Dallas, TX |
holtm@pklaw.com |
Judy Hood Jacks |
Dallas, TX |
Mary Hopper Benson |
Cypress, TX |
mary@nedandmary.com |
Pat Houseman |
Dallas, TX |
patsyhouse@aol.com |
Susan Howell |
Santa Barbara, CA |
sthowell@mac.com |
Kathie Hughes Kimes |
Temple, TX |
Judy Hundley King |
** Unknown ** |
Pancho Hunt |
Dallas, TX |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Claudia Jackson Barnard |
Austin, TX |
Wayne Jackson |
Dallas, TX |
Sally Ann Jalonick Hudnall |
Dallas, TX |
sallyann44@sbcglobal.net |
Suzy James Brown |
Friendswood, TX |
David Jefcoat |
Memphis, TN |
Linda Jeffers Reed |
Dallas, TX |
reedlinda@webtv.net |
Jon Jenkins |
** Unknown ** |
Joyce Johns Griffin |
Breckinridge, CO |
jgskibreck@earthlink.net |
Bob Johnson |
Dallas, TX |
Bill Johnson |
Dallas, TX |
bill@wejohnsoniii.com |
Pat Jordan |
Dallas, TX |
pfjordan@sbcglobal.net |
Sam Jordan |
Knoxville, TN |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Warren Malhiot |
Richardson, TX |
wmalhiot@gmail.com |
Bill Manewal |
South San Francisco, CA |
billmanewal@gmail.com |
Laurie Manning Ramsay |
Mount Vernon, TX |
Mike Mansfield |
Dallas, TX |
mikemans@swbell.net |
Ronald Marshall |
Dallas, TX |
Mike Massad |
Dallas, TX |
mmassad@worsham.net |
Fran Matlack Moore |
Dallas, TX |
jm6848@swbell.net |
Lena Mavroukaky Gini |
Athens, Greece, |
Bob McCorkle |
Garland, TX |
rmccorkle107@yahoo.com |
Judy McCullough |
** Unknown ** |
Carol McDermott Phillips |
** Unknown ** |
Stewart McDonald |
Tucson, AZ |
macjay@macjay.net |
Ginger McDonough Paul |
Dunwoody, GA |
ginger@gingers-publications.com |
Pat McFadden Iannacone |
Brentwood, TN |
biannaco@bellsouth.net |
Jerry McFarland |
San Diego, CA |
mcfprop@c5.com |
Jim McKenney |
Brooklyn, NY |
Sylvia McLane Turnbull |
Dallas, TX |
Michael Turner McRae |
Cresta, South Africa |
michaeldmcrae50@gmail.com |
Sandra Mellow Wolf |
Tiburon, CA |
sandraw1@yahoo.com |
Richard Meredith |
Durham, NC |
richardm66@netzero.net |
Robert Merrill |
Carrollton, TX |
Marcy Metcalfe Barber |
San Antonio, TX |
Laurry Michlin |
Dallas, TX |
lmichlin@hotmail.com |
Giles Miller |
** Unknown ** |
Nancy Miller Little |
Cody, WY |
wynana4@gmail.com |
Carolyn Mitchell Jobe |
Carrollton, TX |
cmjnow@aol.com |
Frank Monroe |
Wimberley, TX |
Dick Moore |
Montrose, CO |
dickgeo66@gmail.com |
Russ Moxley |
Greensboro, NC |
moxley@leaders.ccl.org |
Kenneth Muller |
** Unknown ** |
Murph Elliott |
Dallas, TX |
murphelle@gmail.com |
Jack Myers |
Dallas, TX |
jcmyers@newtexas.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Michael Offner |
Harahan, LA |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Michael Page |
** Unknown ** |
Earl Patrick |
Waco, TX |
Epatrick@jsr- waco.com |
Mary Jo Payne Glaser |
Oxford, NJ |
Diane Pearlstone Couchman |
Dallas, TX |
John Peavy |
Dallas, TX |
johnpeavy@sbcglobal.net |
Ben Petty |
Dallas, TX |
benp@eemevents.com |
Judy Peyton |
** Unknown ** |
Larry Pierce |
Dallas, TX |
Lepierce9@hotmail.com |
Starr Pitzer |
Dallas, TX |
Patricia Plant Prather |
Tucson, AZ |
prathersmith@aol.com |
Toni Porter Torrey |
San Francisco, CA |
toni.torrey@att.net |
Allen Prendergast |
Emory, TX |
Shumateshores@excite.com |
Ann Pugh Morwood |
Dallas, TX |
Robert Pulliam |
Fairview, TX |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Bob Rabon |
Dallas, TX |
Howard Rachofsky |
Dallas, TX |
her@regalasset.com |
Susan Reed Stockslager |
Lewisville, TX |
Patty Renfer Wilson |
Dallas, TX |
geyeblonde@yahoo.com |
Tanyss Rhea Martula |
Hadley, MA |
dave@martula.com |
Rusty Richards |
Mountain View, CA |
Bill Riddle |
Dallas, TX |
Lloyd Ritchey |
Pottsboro, TX |
Wanda Rose Messina |
** Unknown ** |
Diane Rowand Simons |
Ft. Worth, TX |
Steve Russell |
Dallas, TX |
svrussell@msn.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Grant Saint-Claire |
Austin, TX |
Charlotte Sargent Ivy |
El Paso, TX |
charivy@aol.com |
Margaret Sartain Watkins |
La Canada, CA |
Kathie Shaw Ribbons |
, |
Sharon Shelby |
Dallas, TX |
Meri Shoop Love |
Red River, NM |
jewelrylady@newmex.com |
Bill Short |
Corsicana, TX |
Elaine Shugart Strahle |
** Unknown ** |
Eddie Simmons |
Dallas, TX |
Anne Simpson Blakeney |
Dallas, TX |
Doug Simpson |
Jackson, MS |
simpsn315@aol.com |
Dorothy Slaughter Bodden |
Frisco, TX |
dor2344@gmail.com |
Jack Smiley |
West Palm Beach, FL |
jacksmiley@comcast.net |
Carol Smith Darver |
Dallas, TX |
cdarver@wt.net |
Chris Smith |
Dallas, TX |
cgwsmithgm@gmail.com |
Don Smith |
Garland, TX |
Jacque Smith Hall |
Dallas, TX |
jacque.hall@metronet.com |
Bob Smith |
Saint Augustine, FL |
Sue Smith Gilmore |
Irving, TX |
Gerri Smyser Strauss |
Cincinnati, OH |
gerristrauss@aol.com |
Juanita Snyder |
** Unknown ** |
Kathey Stack Burks |
Dallas, TX |
katheyb@joimail.com |
Sandra Stalcup Sanders |
Argyle, TX |
sandyss@centex.net |
Dan Stewart |
Dallas, TX |
dstew10326@hotmail.com |
Jeanie Stokes Dahl |
Cambridge, MA |
jean_dahl@hms.harvard.edu |
Bud Storey |
Little Rock, AR |
ostorey@enterby.com |
Margaret Strange Alpert |
Mineola, TX |
Ted Strange |
Plano, TX |
tstrange@flash.net |
Pam Stufflebeme Thompson |
Dallas, TX |
psthompson@prodigy.net |
Steve Summers |
Dallas, TX |
sjs@smithsummers.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Les Tarrance |
The Woodlands, TX |
les@ultraclassichomes.com |
Jim Tatum |
Crosby, TX |
Jim Tatum |
Dallas, TX |
Pamela Taylor |
** Unknown ** |
Charles Teeple |
Spicewood, TX |
Corky Terry |
Columbus, GA |
Kathy Thomas Williams |
Plano, TX |
ktwdrw@gmail.com |
Jimmy Thompson |
Dallas, TX |
intertex@flash.net |
Alan Tinkle |
Bethesda, MD |
jatinkle@earthlink.net |
Pat Tohms |
Dallas, TX |
Bill Traxler |
Dallas, TX |
billtraxler@swbell.net |
Daniel Tsao |
** Unknown ** |
Michael Turner McRae |
Cresta, South Africa |
michaeldmcrae50@gmail.com |
Anne Turriff Slaughter |
Dallas, TX |
atslaughter@sbcglobal.net |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Stuart Umpleby |
Washington, DC |
umpleby@gwu.edu |
Steve Ungerman |
Dallas, TX |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Patty Vaughan Cato |
Huntsville, AL |
Len Vaughn |
** Unknown ** |
Bryan Vifquain |
Paradise Valley, AZ |
Susan Vincent Costigan |
Dallas, TX |
Jeff Voss |
San Angelo, TX |
tennis555@aol.com |
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[sorted by] School Name |
Location |
E-Mail |
Connie Wade |
** Unknown ** |
Susan Waits Pittman |
Grapevine, TX |
L. Walker Tuttle |
** Unknown ** |
Buzzy Waters |
Dallas, TX |
Skip Way |
San Francisco, CA |
wayskip@hotmail.com |
John Weekley |
Dallas, TX |
weekleyj@swbell.net |
Scott Weismann |
Dallas, TX |
scott@weismann.com |
Jane Weldon Morgan |
Weatherford, TX |
Lawrence Whaley |
Dallas, TX |
whaley@flash.net |
John Wharton |
** Unknown ** |
Sue Wheeler Chalala |
San Antonio, TX |
cloudpath@satx.rr.com |
Gordon Wheeler |
Cambridge, MA |
gordon.wheeler@esalen.org |
Clare Whittington Leonhardt |
Chester Springs, PA |
daveclare@mindspring.com |
Penny Whorton Wells |
Youngstown, OH |
Don Williams |
Dallas, TX |
donwilliamsccim@sbcglobal.net |
Roger Williams |
Arlington, TX |
rvcwms@aol.com |
Pat Wilson Morris |
Dallas, TX |
Robin Wilson Lea |
Atlanta, GA |
rwlea@bellsouth.net |
Frances Wisrodt Rolen |
Savoy, TX |
frolen43@netscape.com |
Katy Withers Haynes |
Fort Worth, TX |
Sam Wofford |
Germany, |
samwofford@compuserve.com |
Chuck Wood |
Gainesville, GA |
cwood@latam.ufl.edu |
Nancy Woodward John |
Dallas, TX |
nawoodko@aol.com |
Roger Wright |
** Unknown ** |
Jane Wyche Wofford |
Germany, |
samwofford@compuserve.com |
June Wyche Hines |
Sunnyvale, TX |
h_jhines@juno.com |